

Eeeeeeeeek!! I just can't contain my excitement!!


So, I just checked my Instgram feed and was given the best gift from 2013. It seems I am still off my game when it comes to being aware of upcoming movies. Back in the day I was (and still am!!) a huge Veronica Mars fan. I would force my whole family watch it with me when I first discovered it on Trouble (do you remember that channel?? They had some really good shows!) but it was only my dad and sister that were true converts lol. The one thing that really pissed me off was that I could not find the DVD box sets anywhere. I trolled the internet and the very few DVD stores around (I am I the only one who noticed the lack of DVD stores back then?) and came up empty. I then shrugged my shoulders when it was no longer played on TV and said my very sad goodbyes as it joined the many other TV shows that shouldn't have been cancelled (read: Kyle XY).

Buuuuuuut apparently this year, after Warner Brothers denied the Veronica Mars Movie proposal, a Kickstarter campaign was created by Rob Thomas (the series creator) and Kristen Bell (the lovely actress who plays the role of Veronica) on the 13th of March this year to attempt to fund the project. And boy was it funded. It has been said to be the largest campaign in the site's history for the Film category as $5,702,153 was raised making it the 3rd largest project funded by the public. Due to this reaction by fans of the show many prizes were given to those who participated depending on how much they donated. For example, some lucky fans will get a pdf copy of the script on the day the film is released. How awesome is that?? I really wish I had known about this campaign as it would have been probably the closest I would get to working on a film 2013. Who knows what the future has in store for me? ;)

Anyway, feast your eyes on this:

This is my gift to those of you out there who were like me and had our memos lost in the post somewhere.

I am so glad this was my last Movie Mondays post of 2013!! I totally need a cinema near me that has like a loyalty card or a monthly membership card that allows me to watch as many films as I want to for a certain fee. My love for film is kinda breaking the bank as cinema tickets are climbing up too high these days. The price of popcorn is completely ridiculous too. But I won't end this on a sour note. No. No, I will end this by reminding you that Veronica Mars the movie will be out in a few short months and we did not have to wait in pure agony since March!! If that isn't a positive well then I will learn what one is in 2014.

See you next year!

Luv, Mo


P.S. This film better make its way to the UK! I will not be a happy bunny if it doesn't lol.