

Ten whole days (10!!) have passed since the start of this festive month and I think I must be one of the very few bloggers on this planet (and universe), if not the only one, that has not published a Christmas related blog post. I am not against Christmas or anything, in fact I love Christmas, it is just I cannot say I have caught that festive bug yet. However, I did not let that stop me last weekend when my flatmate and I decided to get up mega early on Saturday morning and head into town to really enjoy the magic that is: 

'The Manchester Christmas Markets'

Although I did have breakfast before we left the flat I couldn't resist getting some crêpes drenched in maple syrup. Trust me, the Christmas Markets is mainly filled with all kinds of amazing treats for the soul.

Like I said, all kinds of treats ;)

I would have to say that in the 4 years I have lived in this city I have never properly had a look round all the stalls. I normally just make a beeline for a cup of hot chocolate or some food. In a bid to see everything we started off in Spinningfileds, then went through the maze that is St. Albert's square and then doubled back and headed towards Arndale as we already frequent that neck of the woods. There was so much to see! We took a look inside the Town Hall to see what lay behind its big doors...

And there sat this cool dude at the entrance who was clearly not impressed with the stream of people milling in and out of the place.

But the thing that caught my attention was this box of Lucky Charms. I do not think I have ever tried them before but I really want to! They look sooo yummy :D. 

When the clock struck 12 pm I ran to the nearest food stall to order myself a spicy sausage roll as the aroma from all the food stalls surrounding me were taunting me. I was deeeelicious! In my honest opinion, the Christmas Market is all about the scrumptious food and the throat soothing drinks even though they are kind of over priced. The little unique items that are sold in stores are just an added bonus. I gobbled up my sausage roll as we looked around the stalls and tried to find Christmas decoration ideas and gifts for our family and friends. 

When we came across this stall, I suddenly recalled the season 3 Supernatural Christmas special where wreaths kinda attracted these...beings you wouldn't exactly invite round for tea. Let's just say that I wouldn't be putting these up in my house..EVER! I may or may not take fiction a little too seriously sometimes hehe.

All in all it was a good day. It was good for me to get out of the flat as I fear I may have become a little too attached to my room these days. One day my blog will be filled with tons of exciting new adventures I experience every week..well, every other week more likely lol.

Have you caught the festive bug yet?

Till next time!

Luv, Mo
