

I want to see if I can really do this. Maybe I can. I guess there is only really one way to find out. Okay, for now let's just see if I can tie together my view on November in a nice coherent manner and then we'll see if I can do the same for December before the year comes to an end. 

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I guess the highlights of the month of November centres around the birthday of my friend B's son that was celebrated deep in the countryside of Cumbria and the baby shower of a girl I met a church many years ago whose sunny disposition is something no one can forget once you've encountered it. November is a month that almost tries to sneak by me each year with the dip in temperature which shoves me deep under my duvet rather than out the door to explore more of my surroundings but this year I guess it had a different agenda. Here is my November....

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Arriving at work one Friday in November with my overnight bag - which was cramped with three days worth of clothes, my laptop, gifts and snacks - with the intention of having a half day in the office led to me not really doing that much work. Luckily I did not have any immediate deadlines so really I just spent that morning counting down the hours until my afternoon train to Ravenglass was ready for departure and when that time came I was outta that place faster than one could blink. Sat on the train with a friend of mine (who we'll call M) and her son whom I hadn't seen since he was born, whizzing by my old stomping grounds when I was studying my A-Levels in Cumbria, I felt so at home even though I was far from it. The familiar sights and overhearing the remarkably intelligent conversations of a group of school kids put me at a most welcomed ease, I was ready to just kickback and enjoy the rest of my weekend at Bridge End Farm. By the time M and I arrived at the cottage, which was no easy feat mind you - 

we lost phone signal soon after B told us she couldn't pick us up due to the scary weather conditions; found out we had zero cash on us and that there was no cash machine at the station; stumbled upon a local pub with a landline which we used to call the loveliest taxi company on the planet who sent a car out to pick us up which dropped us off at the cottage to the soundtrack of some of the greatest pop songs

 - B had already cooked up a storm which was great news to M, her son and my nerves & stomach. We called dibs on two of the 7 beds the lovely cottage boasted of, unpacked, skipped to the kitchen to help any way we could and caught up on each others lives  as I hadn't seen them all for over 5 months. It was just what the doctor ordered. 

The following day saw me and C, one of B's friends that I'd met once before at B's baby shower a couple years ago, exploring the land around us. We walked for hours, got lost searching for a waterfall whilst jumping over fences, taking in the beauty of the churches and houses and chatting with the locals. That hike was one of the most calming and freeing activities I did that weekend and ended up rekindling an idea for a novel I had years ago - I am pleased to say I am still delving into that world and having a blast building it again. The fresh air, the grey skies, the mist which screwed up my ability to see clearly through my glasses, the muddy paths, the agile sheep and cows and the kind locals were other things the doctor ordered.

When we finally made our way to the cottage, caught up with everyone else and spent time playing with the kids, we all pitched in to get ready for B's son's birthday party that evening which was great fun! The cake that M made was delicious and the icing sent my heart aflutter; the food was so good we all went back for seconds and some even thirds. Sangria was made and drunk expertly by all once the kiddos were put to bed, discussions were had about the devastating attacks around the world and then finally out came the games which sent me straight to sleep. Yeah, I am not really a group game person in the slightest (Sim 4 sessions? I'm your girl) . All that rising competitive spirit gives me hives and I'd rather be on clean up duty and resting my light head and fully belly soon after which was what happened. I had a fantastic time catching up with my friends and learning as much as I could about the reality of being a mother. It sometimes scares me that I am already in that phase of my life when friends are getting engaged, married and having babies whilst I'm still on my lonesome but I think it is best not to rush these things especially if your sole reason is to "feel among". I hope my time will come but until then I will continue to work on me and enjoy my time of solely thinking about me and mine. Speaking of babies...

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I love baby showers! I love shopping for baby things. I love the baby-themed games. I love the cutely shaped food. And I love seeing women housing a human being and glowing from head-to-toe. CW's baby shower was animal themed and the ladies who organised it sure knew what they were doing. I had so much fun even though I went there only really knowing CW and that is a rare thing for me. I have no qualms about going to film events or to the cinema alone but attending parties and gatherings alone fill my tummy with so many butterflies I'm always left wondering how I'm not a superhero who goes by the name, Butterfly Girl - maybe my power could be preventing people from being crippled by the "butterflies in my tummy effect" or stopping time continuum from being too affected by the butterfly effect when people time travel... Anyway, the photo above may have you feeling a little uneasy but have no fear, that was my team's nappy for the 'sniff-the-nappy-and-guess-what-baby-had' game - the poo was essentially a mixture of melted chocolate and spices. It was so funny seeing how grossed out some of the ladies were but still determined to get the answer. All in all, the baby shower was a success and I encourage you to attend at least one if you get the chance to. Being around a group of incredibly supportive women who took time out to celebrate the coming of a friend's child, share some motherhood tips & tricks, shower blessings on the expecting family and essentially have a blast was reassuring - there definitely still is beauty and good in the world that may seem dark most of the time. November was all about coming together and celebration and was a great way to prepare for the month of December whose theme is all about family, friends and love. I hope November brought peace and stability your way too my friends.

Mo x