Last Chem Eng Ball .... EVER!
I have been to every single 'End of Year Ball' thrown by my department since I started university. Each one had its own series of events that I will forever cherish. The key things I worry about when the ball rolls round are the venue, food, music and of course, my dress. Never the shoes as comfort trumps everything in my books.
This year, the ball was hosted in the Manchester Town Hall. The building is spectacular. I wish I had good photos to show you but my camera is crappy and the dimmed lights did not help either. However, all is not lost as I do have a few pictures of the night that I shall share with you.
One of the highlights of the 'End of Year Ball' is being greeted at the reception with a tray of free glasses of champagne. It definitely keeps the spirits up throughout the night I tell ya! But, it seems I have jumped ahead of this story so I'll back track now.
Complex hairstyles are not my forte so I opted for a simple 'do. Would you believe I spent an hour trying to straighten my hair? I wanted to add some clip-ins but my new growth is mega stubborn now so my hair couldn't blend all too well. My roots blatantly refused to be tamed so I decided to go au naturel instead which worked out great! As for my dress, I decided to wear was one that my mother got for me about 4 years ago from Monsoon. I had only worn it once and I did not think it was wise to spend a ridiculous amount of money on a new dress seeing as my time as a student ( entitlement to student discounts) is running out.

When I arrived at the ball and was given my glass of elixir, it was then that I remembered that the theme of the night was Harry Potter. Unfortunately for me, due to the colour of my dress, I felt like was part of the Slytherin house. That put me in a foul mood which I am sure most you would understand why. Although, the glass of elixir and the fact that I was placed on McGonagall's table helped brighten my mood.

Enough bottles of red and white wine were placed on the table to cater for all 10 people that were sat at my table. Needless to say, we did not need to know the location of the bar. I left the bottles of red for everyone else to gurgle down whilst I had my glass topped up with the white.
When I arrived at the ball and was given my glass of elixir, it was then that I remembered that the theme of the night was Harry Potter. Unfortunately for me, due to the colour of my dress, I felt like was part of the Slytherin house. That put me in a foul mood which I am sure most you would understand why. Although, the glass of elixir and the fact that I was placed on McGonagall's table helped brighten my mood.
Enough bottles of red and white wine were placed on the table to cater for all 10 people that were sat at my table. Needless to say, we did not need to know the location of the bar. I left the bottles of red for everyone else to gurgle down whilst I had my glass topped up with the white.
For the past two years I have been on a winning streak with the raffle prize draw. I got a beauty related gift set in my 2nd year and I got a £100 amazon gift voucher in my 3rd year. I was hoping that the odds would be in my favour this time but sadly, this year was not my year. However, I decided to take a photo of my last strip of raffle tickets purchased at the 'End of year Ball' anyways to remember the times when it did give me a gift.
I had no idea what the starter was. I asked the waiter and he didn't know either. So, I decided to be brave and took a big bite. Let's just say, sometimes, being a coward can be a good thing. I do not like cheese. Bleurgh. However, the main meal was reeeeally good this year. I didn't even need to reach for the salt or pepper. The chef got it just right. And the dessert was yummy too!
After the dessert, we were treated to glasses of butterbeer but unfortunately for my table, it ran out before it got us. So, the catering staff decided to give us bottles of champagne instead. Let's just say I was not displeased with their alternative. When we had polished off all our edibles and heard the speeches, it was time to move to the dance floor to bust a move. Sadly, the music that was played moved me not to the dance floor but to the exits so that I could call a cab and go home. In my defense, I needed an early night as I still had to work on my dissertation.
All in all, it was a great night spent with friends in a beautiful hall that I will remember always.
Have you had your ball yet? Hope you had a brilliant night!!
Till next time!
Luv, Mo xx